The Reason For the Season


If youve been searching for purpose and direction for your life, know this: youre not alone.  Discovering the reason for the season can illuminate the wonderful mystery of life for you.

The popular tradition of putting up a Christmas tree was first initiated many, many years...

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Capacity by Design


It is literally impossible to put God in a box of any kind.  God will not be limited to or reduced by our fragile and odd beliefs.  That being said though, you can completely limit and diminish God’s saving, helping, miracle-working effectiveness in your life.  ...

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A New Life

Have you ever gone through a death experience?  Someone you love passed away suddenly, or over a prolonged, agonizing season of time?  Either way, it felt, and maybe still feels like the sorrow you’ve experienced is an endless, dark valley.  You might have had a career...

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Scary Movie OR Blessed & Groovy

 Each year, dedicated fans of horror shows spend upwards of a billion dollars to open up their minds, hearts, and living rooms to zombies, serial killers, demons, and blood-soaked gore.  The question is: Why?  What is it that draws people, even skittish, anxiety-ridden regular...

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 Youve probably experienced the phenomenon ofselective outragemany times, and to varying degrees of impact.  Imagine youre a guest for dinner at the invitation of a couple, and as the meal is being served, the husband begins to overreact to the dry...

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 This weekend, please engage in the vitally important conclusion of Breaking Enemy Lines: Wolves.  Its a unique Bible Truth Ive never ministered before, but critical to your life. 

One of the most dangerous mistakes you can make is not recognizing a wolf.  ...

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Loyalty From Royalty

It's amazing how many people love God. Just watch any award show for music or acting.  Without fail, it seems someone thanks God for success, which He’d label as immoral.  Ultimately, it’s an incrimination of our deluded version of love as a society.  One after...

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It's such a simple thing to do; water your plants.  Just fill up your little watering can or grab the hose, and however you do it, water those thirsty little flowers and plants. 

Pam wanted a planter box hanging off our back deck to put summer flowers in.  So our friend Troy...

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Hate Bait

The hate-trap is easier than you realize to fall into. I know many adults who have been deeply wounded in their formative years and now twenty, thirty, and even forty years later they’re so engrained with hate that it seems natural - almost part of their character. What does it look like?...

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Hopeless & Hostile

There is a spiritual force that the Bible talks about called hope.  Without it, people quickly turn hostile. Don’t you mean hopeless Stephen?  Hopeless people turn hostile.  It could even be toward themself.  The Mayo Clinic says that self-injury, such as cutting or...

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