There’s a strong motivation for people to turn to alcohol and drugs.  We all need comfort.  It’s built right into our God-like design to require the soothing sense of being covered, protected, and nurtured.  Without a relationship with God, we are ultimately...

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UNITED is the blessing God is declaring over His people today.  Now is the time for this word to ignite our hearts with the spiritual force of cohesion in God’s Truth and faith.

I hope you can watch part 2 of this series, ‘UNITED In Heart.’ I believe God has ordained this...

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 Perhaps this question has been in your heart  because you’re a person that wants to make a difference for good in this world but you’re wondering if what you do or say really matters. The truth is that it does matter. 

It really matters. When we listen to God's voice...

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Do You Believe? 

Maybe today is grocery day, and your list has grown over the past week.  When you go online to view your bank account and see enough money there, you act on that information.  Most of the time, you believe this report because, let’s face it, you trust your bank, or else you...

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Feelings can be tricky.  Have you ever been in a crowd of people and felt alone?  You probably have.  I know I have.  Or have you ever been out with a small group, like two or three people, but felt more alone than if you actually were by yourself?  It’s a pretty...

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Connected Is Directed

Psalm 119 is a famous chapter in the Bible for two reasons: it is the longest chapter with 176 verses; and almost every verse mentions God’s Word in some way.  This is significant because God’s Word is active, powerful, and eternally unchanging.  The Word is the true Light,...

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Connection Is Protection


Relationship amounts to the ultimate context of life.  God made you for relationship.  The first priority is to be in relationship with Him, and then secondly to be in proper order with other people.  God created mankind in Genesis 1 as male and female, but this was still...

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Persistence Of Resistance


There she was again.  A precious little dove appeared through the window at the top of our front door with more straw and twigs.  She was building a nest on top of a spring wreath we have decorating our entrance.  I’m sure her mate was helping some, but my observation...

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This Seems Right

It’s amazing the way our minds can justify our actions.  I remember my grandmother telling me as a boy “Just one plum”, as I headed toward her pantry. In my mind I reasoned, “They’re kind of small and besides, I’m helping her with the chores, and I...

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A New Language

I’ve learned that a big part of changing culture is changing the language.  Before Starbucks came on the scene in the 90’s coffee was basically, well ... just coffee.  People liked it and ordered it often, but it was pretty simple, and really cheap.  You could get a...

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