Everywhere we look, there is evidence of the curse: poverty, disease, weakness, aging, ... all because of the curse. What was the action that triggered the curse? Eating!

Our great-great-grandparents, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God in the garden and ate something they were not supposed to. Immediately their eyes were opened to their shame. They saw they were uncovered and suddenly became so afraid that they actually hid from God's presence. The curse accessed the world through eating. 

Does it seem so mysterious that God would set up a tree of life for us in the communion table where we can come and eat, having our eyes open to God's healing, restoring and blessing power? Every time we partake of the communion elements, discerning the body of Christ, we access the most amazing life serum in the universe. We access all the healing virtue purchased by the broken body of Jesus. We take advantage of all the forgiving, redeeming power available in the blood of Jesus. That's God's very own DNA... self-replicating instructions for life. 

Remember the two disciples on a journey outside of Jerusalem after the crucifixion. Jesus joins them in disguise and later when he breaks bread for them instantly their eyes are opened to know Him. When you eat the bread and drink the juice of the communion table, you call affectionately to remembrance the death of Jesus. With those elements, your eyes are opened to receive the greatest medicine that no sickness can stand against. You take in the greatest anti-aging formula and curse-destroying antidote Heaven can offer. You MUST do it in faith though. The same way Eve received the word of the serpent when she ate, and so sin entered in, you must believe God's Word when you eat at this table and expect the amazing life results He promised. 

What do you believe you receive when you take communion? Let the Holy Spirit examine your heart and help you align your faith for miracles. Get ready!  The next time you take communion something big is going to break forth of life for you. Get ready, get ready!

Pray the Word:

God I am going to honor the body and blood of Jesus by preparing my heart for communion. I receive faith to expect more and instruct my heart on the profound benefits you've paid for me. Priceless! The body and blood of Jesus is an absolute priceless benefit to me!


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