God's Word talks about and promotes a right time to party.  In fact the Bible actually points to a time you should revel, feast, and rejoice. That's a serious jump up and down; get your party on time. In some circles, the word party has a bad reputation. Let's face it, no matter what you do in life if you don't do it right, bad things happen. It's like driving a car; if you don't do it right, bad things happen. 

Jesus tells a great story of a father with two sons. The younger takes off with his inheritance and blows the entire fortune on stupid, loose living. When he repents and comes home looking for a job, the father instead welcomes him home as his son and throws a party. The older brother is really ticked off that the father threw a party for his brother and resolves to not even come into the house.  Listen how the father answers his angry son.  "It was fitting to make merry, to revel and feast and rejoice, for this brother of yours was dead and is alive again!  He was lost and is found!"  (Luke15:32)

Look at that word 'fitting'.  Let me put it another way for you.  It is absolutely unfitting to not party and celebrate when a lost son or daughter comes home.  Luke 15:10 says there is joy among and in the presence of the angels when one sinner repents. If your Heavenly Father is rejoicing, that is your cue to get your party on.  It is unfitting to just remain status quo. No, no!  When Father parties, you must party. 

The older brother didn't feel it. His immediate response was "Look!"  He was pointing to the work of his own hands reminding father of what he had accomplished. If your doing hinders you from seeing what Father is doing, it's time to get your heart checked. 

There is a party going on over the lost being found. Come in Father's house and get your party on!

Let's speak our faith out loud:

Thank God that lost sons and daughters are coming home now. Lord Jesus the full measure of Your joy is filling my life to overflow status (John 15:11), and I abound in strength. I live the celebration life continually. It is fitting for me to party, revel and make merry over my lost brothers and sisters coming to life!  I say 'YES' to the great harvest party in my Father's house. 


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