A man overheard a few girls in a coffee shop making a huge deal of their favorite singer.  They were so excited with every detail of the artist's image.  One of the girls said, "I'm his number one fan!"  Instantly the man had an idea.  Light bulb!

A few days later he was attending a class at his church when the leader asked for a testimony from the group. He promptly offered a short thanksgiving and ended with, "I am a fan of Jesus."  The group was suddenly all smiles at the novel idea.  Before he knew it, there he was standing in front of the whole congregation sharing his testimony.  When he ended with, "I am a number one fan of Jesus!" the crowd erupted into applause. The movement had begun.  

Soon T-shirts with the words Fan of Jesus hung in every Christian bookstore, sold at every music festival and Gospel concert. The trend was sweeping the nation. Many new worship songs declared their loyal fan-ship. Every pastor had at least one solid "Fan of Jesus" sermon.  Christian culture was sold on their new, hip trending declaration. Many were happy with it ... except for Jesus.  

Jesus is not interested in fans.  Fans don't know the people they idolize.  Jesus wants to be known, and He wants to know you based on a personal relationship.  Jesus said to His disciples, "I have called you MY friends."  (John 15:15) Why? They were dedicated followers who knew and obeyed His words.  

Fans 'love' the performance and popularity.  Followers base their love on a deep belief in person and principal. Friends have access to secrets.  Fans don't. 

Pop culture can't give you a clue, so don't waste your time with their latest flavor.  What's popular today is gone tomorrow.  Shut the fan off!  Instead, hear the voice of The Friend who sticks closer than a brother. Jesus loves you. 

Pray this friend prayer:

Jesus You invite me to know You through Your Word and by Your Spirit.  Give me ears to hear and eyes to see.  Unfold the mystery of Your promises to me so that I have great understanding, and boldness to walk in Your way.  I don't just want the blessing.  I want to know The Blesser!  I hear Your voice and I quickly obey (John 10:27).  Amen.   


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