Stephen & Pam Ministries

I am constantly amazed at the revelation of God’s pattern of operation because it doesn’t change. When God formed the first man from the dust of the ground, He made a shape first, He didn’t give life first. That’s right, God forms the man, shapes the man, and completes this masterpiece of this vessel called a human, but consider this, the man is still not alive.

In the moment, if you were watching this process you might have considered it a failure. There is this man God has designed and created laying on the ground dead. No vital signs, no heartbeat, no movement or usefulness, just a dead guy. Not until the lesser part, the shell, is completed does God breathe the greater part, His breath of life, making the man a living being.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth Genesis 1:1 says. When you go to verse 2 though, it seems as if it was a failure, and yet we know this is God commentating on His own process. “The earth was formless and void, a waste and emptiness, darkness covered the face of the deep.” What? I thought everything God does is good, perfect, and amazing? It is!

In verse 3 of Genesis 1, God speaks light and there is light. God sees the light and says, “It’s good.” Why didn’t God start with the light? Until there is something to work on God doesn’t need the light because He is the Light. Until there was an empty vessel called man God didn’t need to breathe the breath of life because He is life. Father God is the Creator and He uses process. He likes process. He starts with seeds and grows things upward and downward at the same time.

The enemy is a destroyer and so all life-things of process and of order are his demonic assignment for obstruction. He can’t create so he lies. The devil likes to commentate on God’s work with lies so he can interfere with the outcome and abort the life to come. Your dreams, for example, are in process because God has planned good and prosperous things for you. Everything of God requires faith to bring them to maturity so the enemy works overtime to discourage you so you’ll doubt Father’s plans and designs. Doubt aborts the dream because unbelief is accompanied by disloyal confessions cast at God’s character.

The Israelites provoked God to anger in the wilderness by doubting God. Was God angry because “How dareth they doubteth Me?” He was angry with them because He knew their doubt would keep them out of the Promised Land, stuck in the wilderness, and doomed to a slow death in a place, not their home. God is a loving God and wants us to GET His blessings, promises, gifts, and inheritance. You’d be angry too if the children you loved were being tricked out of the provision you had for them.

My friend, God never changes, and He loves you. Every good and perfect gift comes down from Him and there is NO shadow of His turning (James 1:17). That means there is not even a hint of His goodness toward you turning or retreating. It’s important then to remember that God uses patterns and order. He makes the vessel then fills it.

He is not intimated by emptiness. The Word says He will fill your barns, wine presses, storehouses, your womb, your heart, and your life. The widow of 2 Kings 4 had to collect a bunch of pots and vessels, close the door, and then begin to pour the miracle oil. If you’re in need right now, recognize how God wants to work process in your life. Has He instructed you to submit something to Him that needs filling? Are you laying down the dust and ashes of your life before Him so He can convert them into beauty? Have faith in God. Don’t abort the dream in the middle of His process, but have faith in God for He never, ever fails.


Father God every good and perfect gift comes down from You. I can see from your Word that You work the art of process over and over. Lord, You are not intimidated by emptiness, but instead, see the opportunity for order and filling. I am Your vessel dedicated to Your honor, and I long to be filled with more and more of Your fulness. Give me courage Father God to obey You in even the little things so I can see Your miraculous power every day. Be glorified in my life, in Jesus Name...Amen!

P.S. Praise God this is such a joy connecting with you week after week. I just want to encourage you to help someone, give encouragement, reach out past yourself. You are so important to someone today who is praying for a touch from God. You can be that answer to prayer if you just listen and let God lead you. Share this devotional with a friend and follow up with them. See how easy it is to be a miracle in someone’s life. Bless you, my friend.


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