Several years ago, we were doing a tour over in Scotland. During our stay, I drove a rental car around. Over there, the law is that you have to drive on the left side of the road. Everything in my mind screamed, "This is weird", but as difficult as it was, I knew that relying on my instinct would get us into an accident. When we came home to the United States, I remember getting behind the wheel for the first time after our trip abroad and thinking, "This is awesome. I get to drive on the right side of the road!"

When you gave your life to Christ, you were born again into a new citizenship. The Bible says you are now not of this world but a citizen of heaven - God's child. There are laws of the Kingdom of God that will work for you. Sure, your mind needs to be renewed from your old broken-down way of thinking. It's a paradigm shift that goes along with your new, advanced citizenship.

I remember my Mom teaching me about tithing when I was a boy. It came across like a law that screamed, "This is weird!" It was something I had to do as a painful act of discipline. Then one day, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the beauty of my position in my Heavenly Father's Kingdom. I had the ultimate cultural shift in that suddenly, I knew to whom I belonged. I realized who loved me, cared for me, and longed to bless me. It was kind of like flying from one kingdom to another, and when I landed, I realized, "Hey, I get to drive on the right side of the road." Yes, it's the law, but I am ridiculously successful moving in this Kingdom law.

The paradigm shift has so affected me that I realize I get to give! I get to walk in love, blessing, and hope. I don't wake up and think, "Oh no, here's another day I have to walk by faith." Hopefully, you don't think you must put clothes on before leaving the house. Instead, you thank God that you did put on clothes as you walk out the door.

A short while ago, Pam and I were driving down the road when she looked over at me and said, "Stephen, let's please never stop living by faith. It's just so exciting and fun looking to God every day, and watching to see what He will do." Of course, I agreed. I'd be crazy not to. Everything awesome in my life has come from God's Kingdom.

Why would I spiritually want to return to driving on the left side of the road? I had all kinds of accidents, breakdowns, potholes, and unnecessary hardships going my own way. You may not know this, but God does amazing work of taking care of His way. It's not up and down, crooked, and marked with false direction. It's perfect, straight and true.

Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all of these things shall be added unto you." Your Abba Father has a Kingdom, a system, a way. As His child, it's not about what you have to do but what you get to do.

Let's pray our Father's Word:

Father God, I seek first Your kingdom and rightness. My whole frame of thought has changed since I've become a citizen of heaven. I get to walk in Your ways, and so I am empowered to prosper. Father, You abundantly add all these other things and blessings to me. I just focus on Your Kingdom at all times.


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