Everybody wants the 'good stuff'. There are diamonds in life, and many people approach the thought of possessing these treasures with a wishful nod, as if to say, "Wouldn't it be nice if it just fell out of the sky!" Thankfully, the heavens are not some random lottery or casino. Throw a prayer for blessing into the pot and we'll see who the winner is today. That's crazy!
God is good right to the core of His being. That's not a cliché. He never fails and Psalm 35:27 says that God has pleasure in your prosperity. Yes but good news like this can often leave people feeling upset, and even in pain. Why? Knowing God's will and seeing His will are two different things.
Everybody wants the diamonds, but few are willing to go into the dark, deep places where they're hidden. That's right, God has hidden treasures for you. He doesn't hide the good stuff from you, but for you. Even the Kingdom of God is like a treasure hidden in a field, said Jesus in Matthew 13:44.
There is a term used in gold and precious metal mining called 'overburden'. It's basically the worthless ore that keeps the treasure a secret. There are tons of worthless overburdens in life that you must neglect to get to the diamonds and treasures Father God has safe guarded for you. Don't let fear stop you. Do not let the glitter of fools gold lure and distract you from the deep places of lasting wealth.
When I was a boy I became fixated on this treasure map secret from the Kingdom. Proverbs 25:2 says, "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter." The glory of God is a secret keeper for you. God's glory hides forever diamonds for you, not from you!
There is a language God wants you to speak with Him. It's the language of faith and no counterfeit will do. It's not a coincidence that Jesus told us we could move mountains with our faith. He was clueing us in to how to remove the overburden and reveal the secret treasures.
If for some reason you say, "Well I'm just not interested in those diamonds." That's your broken nature talking. The other side of this thing is this: the diamonds God has hidden just for you are so that once you discover them, you can share His blessing to save the world. The broken nature is me-centered and mocks God's Kingdom system. All while lining up to buy a lottery ticket.
You don't live in the flesh, but you live in the Spirit of life. Use your faith now and pray the Word of God out loud.
God it is Your glory to conceal the treasures of the Kingdom for me. Now I use the faith you've given me to search out those treasures. Father give me eyes to see and ears to hear the supernatural direction of Holy Spirit, and lead me in the way that is everlasting. Amen!
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